Saturday, August 10, 2013

#47: colored face

just thought maybe today had been an eventful one and I'd write it down and perhaps another way for me to procrastinate while I have my pw due in a few hours' time and also chem/math/phys tutorials to complete

(insert miseries)

so first of all I committed bravery today


by watching the conjuring with jing at noon

I think of it as a brave act because considering it's the (lunar) ghost month and all along I've been a wimp when it comes to ghost movies and since last night I've been picturing the scenes (of myself while watching the movie)

but all the worrying went down the drain cos the movie wasn't as scary as I thought it'd be and the only time I let out a (soft) scream was when the ghost appeared on top of the cupboard and pounced onto one of the daughters (Andrea if I'm not wrong) and surprisingly I kept my eyes wide open throughout (ok 98%) the entire screening

the show was really good though the progression of it was a little slow

+ I'm like totally in love with Lorraine (maybe Ed as well) Warren like whoa she's soooOOOOOOOoooOOoOooOOo cool I almost couldn't take my eyes off her

but in fairness the entire cast for the conjuring are just wonderful and by wonderful I meant looks + acting skills

and I really hate how the makeup artists drew the haunting effects SO WELL it crept the hell outta me like ewwwwww but the movie was really gre8 so it's a plus

anyway afterward we had lunch and walked home together and I watched lilo & stitch with my sister because she refused to watch horror movies with me (not that my heart could actually take more but just thought it'd be fun to watch our first horror film together)

guess she's the scared-ier one but when it comes to bug catching she's like my superhero and I'm not even kidding

to sum up, I actually had this entry mentally written while eating my papayas in the living room with spider-man showing right in front of my uninterested face while I let my thoughts go wild