Friday, March 22, 2013


Because I haven't actually found the motivation to do any of the holiday assignment, I came here to write about OAC which ended last Saturday. Another reason why I'm still updating this is because I reckon someone may happen to enter this page and realize how horrible I am as a writer and.........just go away.

That wasn't funny but in all seriousness I just hope when I grow old and before I die I have something to look back to. And that is this uninteresting space that has little or no pictures at all because I forgot the beauty of an iPhone 5 - Panorama effect and all. In any case, I sincerely hope that anyone reading this won't die of boredom or overdose of words or excessive usage of the same word aka die because of my lousily limited vocab that I'm currently working on. 

I really need to expand my vocab list otherwise I sound pretty much like a loser. 

Anyway, Day 1 of OAC @ Desaru/Kota Tinggi:
I thank my dad for waking up at 5.30am to drive me to school because I probably would have fainted carrying all those heavy bulky fat ugly bags that contained nothing but my apparels + water bottles + utensils + torch light + pens. Anyway we waited for the longest hour before setting off for the customs...

...starting to think I can't link my thoughts well/link my sentences well as well so till then, good bye.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

#44: new school

Here's an attempt - which will probably fail - in trying to write about my new life, as the title speaks, and as I try to complete my Chem homework which is an utter disgust because I just can't get the right answer.

Anyway school has started and as crazy as it may sound, I think I'm adapting well in IJC.

Day 1 of IJC Orientation 2013: Asterismos
Kinda psyched because I was going to a new school/meet new friends/walk a new direction to a new school to meet my new friends, some of whom I'll probably spend my next 1.5 years with closely. And then I thought I was gonna get lost because IJ was pretty much bigger than RSS but thankfully I bumped into Andrew, Annessa, Melvin and Rhynade. Then we almost sank into depression after knowing we were all allocated to different groups (aka STAR) - I was in Alphecca while Andrew + Mel were in Altair, Rhy in Atlas and poor Annessa was all alone in Salaeno (and also a loner in Sagittarius but she has friends now). Then I realized Jingwen was also in Alphecca so I felt a little better. And for the rest of the day I just spent it with Jingwen and I swear we were like LONERS (this is weird because technically only loner without an "s" exists). It's like no one wanted to be our friends HAHAHAHA WE EVEN THOUGHT BECAUSE WE WERE FROM RSS AND THAT WAS WHY NOBODY WANTED TO TALK TO US/BEFRIEND US.

Oh and there was this really dull and dry and uninterestingly LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG talk by some KPs early in the morning which almost killed us all.

Day 2 of Orientation
Not exactly thankful for the weekends because I didn't have much sleep to catch up on but as I type this I'm starting to doubt all the decisions I've made in my life ie. Why am I not sleeping earlier the night before?

That question is only applicable on school days, by the way.

We explored around the school (honestly I still don't know where's where) and attended some ~exposure~ lectures which I think wasn't of much help in helping me to decide which subject combination to take. Mass Dance was really fun although I don't have a thing for dancing but IJ's MD was truly good, I must say.

Day 3 of Orientation
We had even more talks than before in the morning before proceeding to Amazing Race P1 which was so-so imo. And then we listened to more lectures before learning how to sing the school song (still don't know how to though). Then towards the end of the day we were given time to buy the school uniform and I only bought 3 skirts and no shirts. And the next day I conveniently exchanged my skirts for 3 shirts because I thought I would need more shirts than skirts. And I still haven't worn any of the shirts I bought. So now I'm thinking if I had wasted my money...or maybe not.

Day 4 of Orientation
Talks like "Your Social and Mental Well Being" should NEVER exist.

Amazing Race P2 was SO much better than P1. Maybe because our group was better bonded after spending 3 days together. Oh and there was also a CCA concert that was (insert appropriate word). I don't wna hurt anyone.

Day 5 of Orientation
I thought I would die because the day started off with HOM workshop and that was THE most boring thing ever invented but I was wrong. The "workshop" was surprisingly engaging although I still find HOM a little......not very helpful.

Part of the day was spent learning the performance item for campfire later that night and I'm proud to say I belong to the Gay Group. The Gay Dance was one of the best dances I've ever danced. Not that I've learned a lot of dances but yeah out of the many dances I've seen/learned, Gay Dance is one of the better ones.

Campfire was REALLY A BLAST though we didn't have an actual fire because it was raining that evening but the fake fire was enough to make us all go HIGH HIGH HIGH


It was super cool.


And then Orientation was over and for the next 3 weeks or so we had lectures and lectures and more lectures. Oh yes and we were split from our STARs to our CGs and I'm pretty glad I'm in 1312D (together with Andrew hahaha).

And during OAC we'll be split again from our CGs to our STARs and after OAC everything/everyone will be back to their CGs and only CGs.

Happy March and here's to our everlasting friendship, Alphecca + 1312D!