Thursday, December 12, 2013

#49: happyVIrthday

OK the title says it all


There's nothing much to document recently except that I've been going back to school for band and for orientation preparation and it's just so tiring and ew because holidays are meant for relaxation and definitely not the time to worry for ANYTHING.

In any case, life's pretty good cos I'm going off in < a month and Xmas is 13 days awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

Bye bye

Thursday, December 5, 2013

#48: rolling stones

#1: It's December
#2: Year 1 has finally ended
#3: I made it through Year 1
#4: I cleared promos (unbelievable)
#5: Going on a cruise next year with the famz + gramma
#6: Weather's been good the past few days
#7: Attended RSSB's final concert with Mr Tan as the Resident Conductor
#8: Christmas in 20 days * * * * * * * * * 

I wanted to make a list of 10 but I couldn't think of anything else that makes me happy

Happy December and.....................bye


I got bored so I started reading my previous entries - do people do that or is it just me because I thought it was like I was stalking myself and it felt kinda weird and creepy - and honestly I was quite impressed with myself. How the hell was I able to express myself so well and so fluently I mean like whoa my inner thoughts and feelings must have flowed really well last time.

Right now my mind is just blank and everything that I thought of a minute ago is buried deep under some shit inside my brain, albeit bulbs are flashing like hands waving frantically in front of me.

Anyway recently, I started...............playing Maple again (insert inordinate amount of lol) but that's only because I was (still am) dead bored. Actually my Maple craze rekindled back in June during the holidays and that was when I t o t a l l y neglected my studies and that was how I got really darn shit results I almost wanted to give up on life loljk not that serious but it was so depressing because JC is a bullet train equivalent. But when school started I stopped playing and did not exactly start studying because I was kinda lagging already and every day was just "I'm so tired I'm leaving it to tomorrow" but tomorrow never came.

But now that it's the holidays (again) I decided to play again cos there's a new job (Kanna) which is damn sick like whooooooaaaaaaaaa

Okay on a serious note I really should start studying soon otherwise everything's gonna pile up to as high as Mount Everest (just kiddin') ugh why must IJ have Homecoming exams I mean like who the hell sits for exams for HOMECOMING IT'S FLIPPIN' HOMECOMING SHOULDN'T WE DO SOMETHING MORE FUN AND EXCITING TO WELCOME A NEW YEAR OF HELL AND MORE HELL

As cool as it sounds - Homecoming Formative Assessment(s) - it's definitely not cool >8-(