Thursday, December 5, 2013

#48: rolling stones

#1: It's December
#2: Year 1 has finally ended
#3: I made it through Year 1
#4: I cleared promos (unbelievable)
#5: Going on a cruise next year with the famz + gramma
#6: Weather's been good the past few days
#7: Attended RSSB's final concert with Mr Tan as the Resident Conductor
#8: Christmas in 20 days * * * * * * * * * 

I wanted to make a list of 10 but I couldn't think of anything else that makes me happy

Happy December and.....................bye


I got bored so I started reading my previous entries - do people do that or is it just me because I thought it was like I was stalking myself and it felt kinda weird and creepy - and honestly I was quite impressed with myself. How the hell was I able to express myself so well and so fluently I mean like whoa my inner thoughts and feelings must have flowed really well last time.

Right now my mind is just blank and everything that I thought of a minute ago is buried deep under some shit inside my brain, albeit bulbs are flashing like hands waving frantically in front of me.

Anyway recently, I started...............playing Maple again (insert inordinate amount of lol) but that's only because I was (still am) dead bored. Actually my Maple craze rekindled back in June during the holidays and that was when I t o t a l l y neglected my studies and that was how I got really darn shit results I almost wanted to give up on life loljk not that serious but it was so depressing because JC is a bullet train equivalent. But when school started I stopped playing and did not exactly start studying because I was kinda lagging already and every day was just "I'm so tired I'm leaving it to tomorrow" but tomorrow never came.

But now that it's the holidays (again) I decided to play again cos there's a new job (Kanna) which is damn sick like whooooooaaaaaaaaa

Okay on a serious note I really should start studying soon otherwise everything's gonna pile up to as high as Mount Everest (just kiddin') ugh why must IJ have Homecoming exams I mean like who the hell sits for exams for HOMECOMING IT'S FLIPPIN' HOMECOMING SHOULDN'T WE DO SOMETHING MORE FUN AND EXCITING TO WELCOME A NEW YEAR OF HELL AND MORE HELL

As cool as it sounds - Homecoming Formative Assessment(s) - it's definitely not cool >8-(