Saturday, October 22, 2011

#1: always dying a little

We got back our results yesterday and mine was terrifying. Definitely not my first time failing any tests but this EOY really served its purpose - a wake up call (or more than that) for me. I have never, in 15 years, felt as depressed, as demoralizing, as sulky as I was yesterday. The results affected me really badly and I have zero idea why. Not that I didn't study, then again, who can I blame? No one but myself. Doesn't it stress you when the circle of friends around you are doing so well and there you are, struggling to even get a 50 (if that's even a pass) out of 100? Obviously I do.

Every time a friend cries over their results, you go over and tell them, "cheer up, it's okay that you did badly but there's always a second time. What matters most is that you've tried your best, and that you've done your best. What's done cannot be undone, so stop thinking about it." But if it really happens on you, will you still think that "it's okay that you did badly"? Yes, the comforting and all may help that friend to feel a little better but ultimately, that friend will still feel hopeless, helpless, useless, sad, depressed, negative and so on and that's because IT'S HAPPENING TO AND ON THEM, NOT YOU so of course, you wouldn't feel that terrible feeling as much as they did.

Yeah I don't even know what this post is turning into, guess my results really made me reflect a lot on what I've done.

Cheer up, move on, you've done your best, try harder the next time, it's not the end of the world yet.. All these are nothing but just plain shits. I mean srsly, which emoish person will read these and really cheer up, move on and think that it's not the end of the world yet? It's like a psychological trauma that will take a very long time to heal - completely.

Anyway today's the Promotion Day so right now the teachers should be in school, deciding whether to promote the students or not and right here I'm freaking the soul out with millions of what ifs going through in my head xx