Friday, November 25, 2011

#4: i'm out on the edge

Ok so recently my life is filled with lots of "I couldn't possibly get over within one day" dramas, and first in the entire list of dramas is me wanting to drop Biology. It is not even a surprising thing to begin with so I went to tell one of the teachers that I am determined to drop Bio, her response was: "Okay, get your parents to write a letter and have it signed."

And I could have chopped every part of my body to swear that THAT WAS ALL SHE SAID BUT WHEN ANOTHER TEACHER CAME, HER RESPONSE CHANGED: "Why Jozoe, why? Why do you want to drop Bio?"

Let me clarify one very important thing: You, the hypocrite, were the one who told me RIGHT IN MY FACE that you DO NOT wish to teach half-hearted students (and that was indirectly referring to me) and therefore I have decided to drop that damn subject AND NOW YOU ARE ASKING ME WHY THE HELL AM I DROPPING BIO? DUDE WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND, SERIOUSLY? DO YOU WANT TO TEACH STUDENTS LIKE ME WHO IS HALF-INTERESTED (OR NOT EVEN INTERESTED) IN USELESS SUBJS LIKE BIO OR NOT? Please don't ever ask me why I kept changing my mind back then, because to clarify another thing, YOU were also the hypocritical one who kept making ME change my bloody mind. So for what I am in today, I owe it all to you. Because you are seriously a first-rate bitch.

That was what that has been annoying me for a few weeks and I am on the brink of exploding.

Putting those unpleasant things aside, the rest seems good except that I haven't been consistently studying for my re-sits. Oh my holy cow somebody just rip me apart please.



Elaine and I went to watch You Are The Apple Of My Eye and it wasn't that good. Not as good as I'd expected but well, the male lead aka Ko Chen Tung's damn hot omgoodness why on earth will there be such a hot guy that I can't even marry lol but he's really hot and Ao Quan looked kinda…gay (hi Vianne if you're reading this please do not attempt to hate me or anything because Ao Quan still looks hot to you) in that movie. And I really would like to punch the director for not ending the show with Ko Ching Teng and Shen Chia Yi together omfg (!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

After the movie, we went to eat at McD's and I did something that was fricken embarrassing. You know it was written all over the internet that the curry sauce will no longer be available in McD's? I stupidly thought that was a fake so after getting my burger, I asked the woman on duty: "Do you have curry sauce?"



Elaine: "curry sauces are out of stock."


I nearly fainted because having McD's without curry sauce is like baking a cake without baking powder hahahahahahaha so I settled for BBQ sauce which is, btw, something I don't really eat because it tastes like expired ketchup.

Then I went back home to do Physics (speaking of which, I've been neglecting my studies lately……………time to get some ass work done) and I managed to clear some MCQs ☺


Went back to school for sectionals and it was productive. Then I met up with Qianying and Jiajing to have lunch at LJS and I think I wasn't in the real world at that moment because I did not get my nacho cheese and THAT IS A MUST but whatever. I ended up saving 60¢ hehehehe.


Woke up at 11am and watched a few episodes of Pokémon: Black and White and I gotta say…….it was fantastic ;) but the new combination of Pokémon trainers is shit.

Anyway, I left the house at 1.45pm to go to school to prepare for the Prom Night (at Orchard Hotel) as ushers. The whole event was relatively good but the food wasn't as expected. Honestly, everyone looked kinda typical last night. Okay anyone reading this will probably want to kill me now xxxxx


Today has been an eventful day because I watched Breaking Dawn with Qianying, Charmian and Yanxuan. We took the train to AMK Hub and Qianying literally embarrassed herself. Anyway we got the 3pm tix and bought some food and went into the theater. And not long later, a couple came in and sat beside me and starting making out RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES AND I WAS LIKE WHAT THE HELL DO YOU TWO NOT HAVE BETTER PLACES TO MAKE OUT BUT RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME?!

I almost chocked on my chicken.

Yeah thank god they were sort of behaving themselves throughout the movie except that the guy was making unnecessary comments on every scene he saw.

And as much as I hate to break this to myself (and other anti-Bella Swan), Kristen Stewart looks gorgeous in Breaking Dawn compared to when she appeared in Twilight. And Robert Pattinson looks gayishly hot, like there's something not quite right on him and I think that's because his face was a little too squarish hahahahaha.

So overall, Breaking Dawn was good x

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

#3: sired to you

This may seem a little late but Happy November everyone! I haven't really got the chance to wish this here in this empty corner.

Anyway I am so so so so so so so relieved that the 'O' Level MT Paper is over. Next thing to worry about (and panic the shit out of myself) is the release of results. The paper we sat for wasn't exactly that difficult but…...who can say that the paper's easy so much that they're confident of getting an A? Ok definitely there are people (some geniuses) who have super mentality but whatever. All is over I can stop feeling so crazy just for this moment.

This week is the last week of band practices before we go off for a month-long break and come back again for a 4D3N camp in December. I don't know if life is good or not but I can never fail to remind myself of the re-sits also in December. As much as I'd like to bring myself to look forward to my favorite month (CHRISTMAS IS COMING EVERYONE YAHOOOOO) of the year, everything seems so difficult now – studying and having CCA in December is something I really would never think of. It's the Christmas season and while people living in the Western countries or even people who celebrate Christmas are preparing for this long-awaited occasion, I am here spending it lifelessly away.

On a very positive and bright and optimistic and happy note, I am gonna survive all this x


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

#2: take me out of here

I am so glad it's the holidays and that I wouldn't have to wake up at 6 freaking am everyday to go to school. That being said, there are still band practices 3x per week from 9am to 5pm (8 minus 1 hours of b a n d is something that's not exactly funny) so actually, it's nothing to be happy about but at the very least, I can wake up at like 8am or so.

I don't know why am I even updating this space after so long like......I'm gna document my life here forever.

Anyway, this year has past really fast, it feels like yesterday was just the beginning of the year. As much as my memory could track me back, here's what happened this year:
  • Start the life of a typical studious (ok this is a lie) 15 y/o kid
  • Secondary 3 Adventure Camp @ Kota Tinggi (bonded a lot with 3/6 so it was worth it)
  • In terms of what is called education (academically), it was relatively fine because we haven't really gone in-depth
  • No major crisis.........yet
  • Chinese New Year was good because gramma didn't go overseas and the whole cousins-relatives bonding thingy was......neutral
  • Because of Common Tests, I had to spend my CNY studying (oh my life) instead of collecting money and my results were still shit but on a brighter side, Mdm Tong gave us chocolates (it was recorded in my diary so yeah I could remember this part) to celebrate the festive season ;)
  • This was when I started having feelings (uh huh) for subjects I never thought I'd have the slightest interest in like, Physics, Math, and maybe History. Credits to those teachers who've taught me this year.
  • Learning Journey to RWS
  • 7 Feb's Physics class was a memorable one (this was also recorded in my diary)
  • I counted down to the March holidays (recorded in my diary too)
  • Disastrous earthquake and tsunami in eastern Japan that killed thousands of people, leaving many homeless to bear the cold and cruelty of nature like the explosion of the Fukushima nuclear plants and the radiation that affected so many people worldwide.
  • Sports Carnival 2011 wasn't technically a success because of the r ~ a ~ i ~ n
  • I (and the rest of the cohort) had my NRIC registration done in school (recorded in my diary as well)
  • Start of the March holidays hallelujah
  • SYF (band) camp from 12 14 March (recorded down too)
  • End of school break and a new term began and right after that, I started counting down to the next big holiday.
  • On March 25, Mdm Tong walked out of class (recorded in my diary)
  • Watched I am Number Four on one of the days from 21/3 to 25/3 (recorded in my diary)
  • Intensive band practices for the SYF
  • Did not successfully prank anyone on April Fools' day
  • April 5 was our SYF and sad to say, we did not achieve our goal BUT we still love each other a friggin' lot :')
  • Tornado outbreak in the Southern US
  • Extra classes started (recorded)
  • The entire world was praying for Japan (lovely country, really)
When I write you a Tone Poem, the ocean glows and our memories of friendship will last forever.


  • Spent my Labor Day holiday studying for MYEs
  • Mid-Years started and I made my own anti-laptop/electronic gadgets (except mobile phones) campaign which obviously failed DUE TO the electronically and technologically advanced world we live in today
  • On May 7, we polled for our next cabinet of ministers
  • Rise of Yam Ah Mee, Returning Officer for the GE and PE 2011
  • Sudden obsession over Johnny Depp
  • OBS (13 17) @ Pulau Ubin (come to think of it, I haven't really seen anyone from Junko or Camp 2 Charlie except those studying in my school)
  • 10 weeks of break was faaaantastic like I could finally sleep in like nobody's business wooooo
  • I camped at home everyday I was free watching Moonlight Resonance
  • Another new term began (looking back, time really did fly past like a rocket)
  • I recorded in my diary on the first day of school:
Dear Me,
Survive for another 10 suffering weeks of everything and everything will be O V E R!
Love, Me
  • I nearly lost my Ugly Doll (and I turned sulky for kind of many hours)
  • JULY 13: 'O' LEVEL CHINESE ORAL WAS FHJASDHIUXy#$(*#$u#*2JSFADFIS HORRID so obviously I screwed it. Or it screwed me, for that matter.
  • My very first (and prolly last) OMMS presentation on The Pursuit of Happyness on July 18
  • JULY 19: 'O' LEVEL CHINESE LISTENING COMPREHENSION WAS DSIOFJRUOI32U405-U34#u$*(%*&JKNVAV ANOTHER NIGHTMARE AND did I mention I nearly went into coma lol kill me someone k-i-l-l m-e
  • On that eventful day dated July 19, I was soooooo close to getting a yellow form from Mdm Leow.
  • Completion of the Harry Potter series
  • First day of August and I was made to stand for the entire Chem class (that is 45 minutes of MY LIFE)
  • I got really annoyed by some people this month
  • Singapore turning older each year is becoming more boring than ever except that this year, the theme song was pretty bearable compared to previous years' and Sharon Au resurfaced again after so many years of disappearance.
  • CT2 started and my results were...........averagely good (to me)
  • The 2011 London riots was so creepy it scared the shit outta me
  • August 27: Presidential Election 2011
  • August 30: Dr Tan Cheng Bock lost to Dr Tony Tan but then again, rise of Yam Ah Mee was a breakthrough.
  • Tim Cook took over and became the CEO of Apple Inc.
  • That one-week break wasn't productive at all because according to my diary, I haven't done a single shit even though it was already Saturday and I was left with one more day before school starts for Term 4.
  • Every day speaks a whole new world and it was horrible having to face and deal with different circumstances that I could probably collapse into.
  • September 26: neutral feelings for Bio SPA (that being said, I think Bio is the only subject worth dropping hahahaha that sounded like a propaganda shit)
  • I don't get how Sebastian Vettel top almost all F1 races this year and Hamilton got kicked to the very back wtf
  • This part of my life is called misery. It took me a very long time to get over sad killing horrible things. So sad I almost wanted to roll down a hill. And this part of my life is not over yet (and I very much wish it would).
  • On October 5, one genius in the world died, that is, Steve Jobs.
  • Start of EOYs (this was what made me twinge in sadness btw)
  • On the morning of October 6, Vianne came to school, looked thru her timeline and fricken broke the news of the death of Jobs and I was like: "WHAAAAAT!!!!!!!!" and I had to sit for my Chinese paper later in the morning. This wasn't recorded in but I somehow remembered.
  • Hardcore studying and more studying lasted for around 2 weeks and I almost died.
  • Massive flood hits Bangkok (not over yet oh my holy cow)
  • SCHOOL. IS. OVER. But next year will predictable.
  • November 10: 'O' Level Mother Tongue Written Paper (something I really haven't been looking forward to)
Ok that should be the major things that happened and will happen (applies to only the last bullet point) this year. Honestly, while typing this entry, I was referring to my diary like 3/4 of the time.

One thing I absolutely hate about this holiday is that I can't freaking slack. Study mode is turned on 24/7 because a) my written paper is less than a week away (in fact it's in 3 days' time) and b) I have to re-sit for my AM and Physics (and Bio that is still in the midst of consideration drop or not, I still can't make up my mind but one thing for sure is that I will never, in my entire living life, do any bio-related because I just don't like (hate is too strong) Biology. So sometimes I'd question myself, why did I even opt to study it but all is too late to regret.) papers in December.

When it comes to academics, my school really is doomed for it. Firstly, my school (I think schools nationwide are prolly the same) cares so much for our studies, so much that on Healthy Breakfast day, they gave us a slice of honeydew (and sandwich and cupcake) and claimed that THAT was healthy. OK that is in someway ~healthy~ but they said it was those healthy-healthy kind. Anyway, when it comes to academics, they throw us with millions billions trillions zillions of papers and said those are good for us. Seriously, comparing our workload to our healthy-breakfast-load, the latter is not even 1/10 of the former.

Secondly, my school just suck at scheduling exam dates. They could put killer papers TOGETHER. I know that's what happens in the actual 'O' Level but at least, the people who planned the 'O' Level schedule have brains and wouldn't put EM P2 and Physics P2 to-get-her. Either my school is screwed or they are just not exam-smart. In any case, my school is still doomed. They came up with this new policy that students found not being able to cope with the subjects they're taking will be made to DROP that subject. Like they literally are forcing students to forsake their studies. And it was greatly emphasized that studies can path a good future for YOU. That is exactly the reason why we (actually only people who failed EOYs and who studied Sec 3 this year) have to re-sit for our papers. And it's obvious enough that if we fail our re-sits, we will be forced to drop that subject. Stupid policy. REALLY. Our future is no longer held in our hands but the school's. Oh, the irony.

Another thing is, Sec 2 (the 2011 cohort) students who are in bands 3 and 4 can ONLY take Combined Science (unless they appeal which is like....the school hardly cares about appeals to begin with). IS RIVERSIDE LIKE DOOMING OUR FUTURE FOR US!? I mean last year those in band 4 could take up Triple Science and now only students in bands 1 and 2 have the choice to opt for triple or double science? Funny how my school is progressing.

As much as I would like this holiday to be forever, I hope 2012 will be a good year but apparently no. That one thing in 2012 (not December 21) is already being a moron x