Thursday, January 19, 2012

#16: journey of wondrous flight

2 weeks ago was the last time we ever celebrate the success of the Secondary One Orientation Camp 2012. Those times we spent as a committee, all the fun, joy and laughter we had together, all the pains we had to take right down into our souls, and those wonderful memories we all shared, everything will be so pricelessly kept in my mind.

Day 1 (January 6 2012, Friday)

Let's start with me being late again. But this time I had a valid reason (I think). The entire camp didn't start off very well because there were quite many hiccups in the morning and Mdm Soh was really upset with us for some reasons and for that, I'd like to add that she was a total nuisance.

I honestly think she has ZERO rights to be unpleased with us because a) she was the one doing all the impromptu changes; b) she was also the one stirring all the hiccups; c) she was really being overly paranoid.

In conclusion, she should just remain in her office and drink a cup of tea with a tin of biscuits on her table.

As the day progressed, everything went almost back on track except for lunch which was terribly chaotic (that I have to admit) but then again, it wasn't ENTIRELY our fault. I mean really, do all teachers in our school have a grudge against our batch? Seriously if they do then they should just quit teaching and jump off the building because they are making life SO BLOODY HARD FOR US AND MIND THEM WE ARE ONLY 15-GOING-16 Y/O KIDS STILL IN THE VERY ROUGH PROCESS OF GROWING AND HOW COULD THEY MAKE LIFE SO MISERABLE FOR US

Either they are inhuman or they are just sickening peas.

Anyway whatever happened after lunch was relatively good, I'd say so +10 for us and -452348295724892985734 for the teachers. Screw them upside down inside out. If anyone of them is reading this: you suck balls.

Day 2 (January 7 2012, Saturday)

I am quite sad that my Saturday was gone like that (by that I mean waking up at 5am) BUT for the sake of the Secondary 1s and everyone else.......I will sacrifice.

Just kidding.

We managed to set up most of the things by 8am and I was freaking out because the last time I rose a flag was actually last year.

After morning assembly, we started the Mass Games (which started VERY badly) and I was running around the whole school finding groups to hand them their booklets which was e x t r e m e l y tiring. So I decided to wait by the bench outside the staff room for the groups to appear in front of me and that was when....................................the whole Weixiong's HOT! thing started and that was how I became his #1 fan. But he was a really really really nice guy :)

And I gotta say, Santhosh was so cute during the whole Orientation Camp. He was practically shadowing me wherever I go and I could always be like: "eh Santhosh, can you hel-" and he'd be like: "OH OK CAN!" So I'm very glad to have him as my partner.

There were many unpleasant things that happened in between (and I would LOVE to talk about but...) which was plain stupid. Stupid. Very stupid.

Campfire wasn't exactly a blast but I think the campers had sufficient fun and that was the whole point so yeah enough of the camp.

I had a terrible time recalling what happened 2 weeks ago.

So back to my current life:

I am hardly surviving even one day of school. There's like a HUGE change in my life that now, every time I'm in class, I always bring myself to sleep. And sleep. And more sleep. Everything is so dry and boring and everyday we have to sit through the vicious cycle of studying.

Then again, having said that, I am PROUD to say I have officially dropped Biology so now I am a proud Bio dropout. And while the students suffer the pain inflicted by Ms Tang (and under the negatively negative influence of "Your class is a very small class, a very privileged class"), I shall camp in the lab and enjoy the liberty I have given myself.

And to add on to my wonderful life (Gek I know you ARE reading this), I had PE with Pangyong last Friday and oh my holy macaroni cheese cake HE WAS SO CUTE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA but he is still yours, Gek, do not worry ;)

This week, we had a half-day (which was yesterday) to celebrate the faaaaaabulous 'O' Level results achieved by the previous batch of Sec 4s. I have no intention of giving a half-day to the next few batches of students.

So after school, we (Na and Lim) went to CWP for lunch and Lim came over to my house to collect an umbrella which I borrowed from Kua since very long ago and my mom thinks it's time that I return it to her because...................Chinese New Year is just around the small corner. Then we walked back to school to deliver that umbrella and 2 packets of Long John Silver's (that cost a bomb) and afterwards we (Lim and Kua) went to Tan's place to lepak and abuse her Instax.

Today was yet another boring day because 90 minutes of CHINESE was what kick-started my day. The school just reminded me of how splendid my life is. Did I mention that Mdm Shen changed both my and Tan's seats? Now we're like front-and-back and I honestly think Mdm Shen thinks that me and Tan are.......strangers and that is exactly why she separated the both of us from the rest but reunite us together. Strangely as it may sound, it is true. I can never concentrate in Chinese class ever again.

Tomorrow will be another half-day (2 half-days per week MY LIFE IS SERIOUSLY WONDERFUL) and here's to the long long long long CNY break I've been waiting for since last year.

PS: this long and well-written entry is dedicated most specially to dearest Gek who is always there for me – good or bad, I can always find her not more than 5 meters away from me ❤