Sunday, January 1, 2012

#13: new beginning

Happy blessed New Year everyone! It's again a brand new year and everything has to start all over again and that's the thing I hate most whenever a new year begins. I don't really like January as well (I think it's the stupidest month of the year) because the Jan heat is always suffocating me to the brink of my head I feel like exploding. Besides that, I hate to see all my worksheets dated x/1/12. I mean that "1" seems so stupid and annoying.

Last night was truly enjoyable over at Gramma's place. Although my phone died on me at the very last few moments of 2011 (and the insanely congested network nationwide), but that aside, everything else was great. Like I bonded (I've been using this word too much lately) a lot with my cousins and damn most of them looked a heck lot more muscular than they were 13 months ago.

It was so fun talking to them about not everything but at least we did have a few common topics.

The whole fireworks thing at Causeway Point was just plain crap. It barely lasted for 5 minutes and they only shot the fireworks to the sky minutes AFTER 12am clocked in. And I didn't get to pull a popper like I always did previously and I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I'M AFRAID OF SPARKLERS. Spar-freaking-klers.

But who cares because I spent the very first second of 2012 with good people (except for some) :')

After everything was packed, my dad drove us home and we showered and my sister and me had some sisterly bonding from 2am+ to 5am WHICH WAS A FANTASTIC WAY TO KICK START MY 2012 HOLY MACARONI

Then this morning when I woke up the whole world was spinning around me. Actually it was just me and my inner brain doing the clumsy tricks.

The evil vicious study cycle is about to start soon in approx. 1 day x


I'm left with 3 more Physics papers and a whole stack of other shits but I still feel very accomplished tonight whoopeee