Wednesday, January 25, 2012

#17: just tonight

Like what the title reads, this entry shall solely be on what's happening right now.

Tonight, I read through a few people's blogs and every time I visit a new blog, I wonder: is life REALLY that bad for them? Why do I seem to have neglected so many of my friends' sad moments in life? Why do I seem to be enjoying life (not literally) while they sulk in misery? Why do I always pout over the smallest, tiniest and most little thing that is not even worth pouting? Why do I have to constantly remind myself that my life is horrible, my life is terrible, my life is worth nothing, my life is..........when there are others out there, whose lives are far worse than mine? Why am I failing as myself? Why oh why can't I see that my friend is suffering so much and there I am, doing nothing and being so annoying and a total nuisance to them?

Just hold on for a little second, and think: is life really that miserable for every one of us that we have to be so commentary on everything? Is life really that tough here in Singapore that we have to always remind ourselves to jump off the buildings? Is life really that meaningless to us that we have to STOP thinking about how the African kids are living their rightful lives? Do we really have to see that low of life, and think that maybe we shouldn't even be born for a start?

I don't know, I don't have any apparent answers for the above questions but if WE, people of a technologically-advanced, financially-stabled, medically-readied society with almost everything that is needed to operate our lives fully, are still not contented with OUR lives, does this mean that international beggars and people living in a less-developed country should just burn themselves to hell? No, obviously not.

Very true that we have all the rights to live the life that we want but considering that we are from countries that do not need to worry over things like, will there be rice for us tomorrow? Will there be water for me to drink tomorrow? Will I be able to live another day? Will I be able to see the next sunrise? Will I be able to go to school to study? Will I still be able to see my family when I come back later? Will I still be able to talk with my family 10 minutes later? All these simple things that we live by everyday, are things that the less fortunate ones experience but right now, even the MORE FORTUNATE ones are complaining about their daily lives.

Well, I do admit I ALWAYS complain even for the slightest thing, without even sparing a kind thought for the Africans (they are the only people I can think of when it comes to the less fortunate) who are, every second, fighting to live for another day while I can just go to school, study, see my friends, come home, study, sleep and ta-da, waking up to a brand new day without having to worry for anything.

I haven't really made any point but ah well, just saying.