Saturday, August 8, 2015

#57: let's not fall in love

I'm actually really lazy right now to even move my hands because my family and I just had 30 sticks of satay and 4 pieces of chicken wing for dinner but I'll think of this as a useless exercise for my fat fingers. If there is any feeling I would like to describe now, it'd be that I feel like I'm close to exploding.

Come to think of it, I never really felt okay or moderate after a dinner. I will always (most of the time, like 99% of the time is what I'm talking about) feel extremely on-the-brink-of-explosion kind of bloated. And that sucks because you feel suffocated for the next 3 hours or so, depending on how fast your system digests your food.

I've used too many feels in just 2 paragraphs I'm thinking how grossly limited my vocabulary is.

Hong Kong Disneyland Day 3:

I managed, once again, to drag my unawakened soul out of bed at approx. 8am for a morning swim but I wouldn't say it was productive because the pool was AT MOST 10 meters in length and you can't really swim in a 10-meter pool because even before you take your first breath you are already at the end. But my sister and I had quite a bit of fun taking underwater shots. (I risked my phone. I am a brave girl.)

After our morning swim, we checked out of the hotel and headed down (or up, whichever way is correct) to Disneyland, the place where fantasies become realities and magic comes alive. I was really psyched about Disneyland because 1. it is flippin' Disney - nobody gets uninterested about Disney unless you're not a human and 2. I never really thought I'd step foot in Disneyland because the entrance ticket is crazy expensive (think robbing a bank) and 3. STITCH IS DISNEY and 4. Disney is everyone's love.

Anyway after about a 40-minute journey we finally reached Disneyland (the train bound for Disneyland was so friggin' cool holy shit) but wasted an additional 1.5 hours checking in to our (Hollywood) hotel and having lunch/tea break before we officially began our Disneyland Adventure.

As much as I love Disneyland, I would say the Hong Kong version is more family-oriented and not exactly very adventurous for people who seek thrill which explains why I got JUST a little bored because once again, there weren't any risks-induced rides for me to try out. That being said, it doesn't mean I didn't enjoy myself - I did.

We started with the Flights of Fantasy Parade where all the (famous?) Disney characters literally came alive. The princesses really looked like the ones you see in books/films and were really super gorgeous. Had I been a little more naive, I would have thought those ladies were wearing princesses' mascots instead of being their real selves.

Afterward we went inside It's A Small World and took a slow boat ride around the Small World which was breathtaking. I honestly think that world is so much better than the world we live in.

Then we joined the insanely long queue of people who were waiting to take pictures with Mickey and Friends. My cousin and I joined the people who lined up for Mickey (we skipped Minnie because neither of us really liked her) and although I know it's just the costume that's creating optical illusions, Mickey Mouse REALLY looked goddamn good (wanted to use handsome but he's just a mouse......after all). After that, because we didn't want to "lose" to my sister and company (because they took photos with Goofy prior to queueing for Mickey), we went to Goofy's den as well but sadly, the photographers at Goofy's den were not as friendly as those at Mickey's so they took a kind of lousy photo for us.

We managed to catch a later performance of Festival of The Lion King which was rrrrrrrrrrrrrreally incredible. But I didn't really enjoy the remixed version of those songs but the performance was still great.

By the time the show ended, it was close to evening already so we just walked around and bought gigantic turkey legs and explored a little of Stitch's section. One of the evening performances was canceled due to bad weather (wasn't exactly a bad weather I'd say - their weather-o-meter's just spoiled) so we did our shopping instead.

What disappointed us even more was the almost literally sardine-packed gift shop flooded with so many Chinese people. I swear I don't have a thing (or anything at all) against Chinese people (not Chinese as in the race, but the nationality) but this particular group (and I'm speaking a VERY LARGE GROUP) of them makes me want to exterminate the entire China. You will not understand how I felt unless you experience it firsthand. If you think Singaporeans are scaredy-losers, think again. Wait till you see what these Chinese are capable of then you'll thank Singapore for producing Singaporeans. Or for Singaporeans to come from Singapore instead of China. Or for Singapore being Singapore instead of being part of China.

I am not even kidding when I say a foot inside the shop and you feel like 3/4 of your life is gone. They either push you around like you're a piece of paper or they walk past you like you're a ghost or they scream right at your ears like you're nobody or they ram into you like you're a boulder blocking their way. There is NO end to their ruthlessness and their ridiculous way of socializing. There were times where I literally felt like screaming fuck the shit outta your mothers and fathers you fuckers but of course, I held it in. But I was still very much pissed and annoyed by every single one of those damned Chinese.

What's worse is that I am Chinese myself and I just can't help but feel so disgraced by their uncivilized acts. It's almost like they've never learned the way of being human.

Anyway after that unpleasant gift shopping (to my dear friends whom I got gifts for: do you now know how much pain I had to go through to get you those lovely souvenirs? I beg you to appreciate and shower them with unconditional love, thank you.), we stood outside the shop to watch the highly-raved Disney Fireworks and that 10 plus minutes or so was simply beautiful. And unforgettable.

Stills from Day 3:

(There are about 100+ photos of which I'm probably gna only caption a fraction of them because my creativity/ability to describe is dangerously restricted.)

001: I fell in love with this godly hash brown at first sight. No kidding.

002: Brave girl (me) risking her (my) phone because the waterproof case was never tried by anyone so I was the first. 

003: I looked weird. I look weird.

004: My hands are at a constipating position I don't even know why.

005: ??? Do I always swim so weirdly? 

006: P.....raying? I really don't know.

007: -

008: I look so funny.

009: Doing a flip in the pool and it's really fun doing a flip underwater.

010: -

011: -

012: Please don't laugh at me.

013: Told my sister to focus the camera but I guess her brain was flooded.

014: -

015: This is the super cool Disney train I was talking about earlier.

016: The interior looks SO PRETTY AND COSY THERE ARE MICKEY STATUES ALL OVER (!!!!!!!!!).

017: - 

018: This reminded me about Hogwarts (or at least the train station in Harry Potter) although I never really watched Harry Potter.

019: Welcome!!!!! You will never be able to figure your way out once you step inside. (Although I did.)

020: The excitement inside of me when I saw this the instant I walked through the Gates of Never Going Back was so real I was literally screaming and jumping like a monkey. 

021: -

022: Even the atmosphere felt magically magical.

023: Lunch/tea break prepped by Chef Mickey (not really).

024: Oh my goodness I love this creature SO much.

025: My castle.....or maybe not. 

026: I know how cheap this stick of ice-cream looks but 1. it really wasn't cheap AT ALL and 2. it tasted really good like a Magnum ice-cream and 3. we shared it among 6 people. Nobody had enough of it but we never bought it again because it wasn't cheap. At all.

027: Flights of Fantasy Parade was right under the scorching sun and the monstrous rays turned me 2 shades darker. 

028: The band made me reminiscence about my band days I miss band so much.

029: Mickey and Friends casually striding down the Path of Glory.

030: Winnie the Pooh looks so much better irl than in TV I swear. I was quite taken aback by his cuteness when I first saw him.

031: Tigger was so striking in his suit I think there'll be no problem spotting him at night.

032: The super gorgeous princesses waving like some royalty at everyone.

033: I honestly felt like a real peasant. 

034: -

035: Lion King.

036: - 

037: -


039: Just take a moment to adore his charisma. 

040: - 

041: -

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043: -

044: Bloody hell I don't even like Lilo but she was standing at the side that was facing us so I had to miss the chance to see the real Stitch. Psh.

045: -

046: -

047: - 

048: So I ran over to the other side and zoomed SUPER in to see his face.

049: - 


051: Good bye my love, I will see you soon.

052: It's A Small World

053: -

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067: -

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069: One day, I will visit the real Statue of Liberty. 

070: -

071: I really liked this a lot.

072: -

073: -

074: -

075: This looks like a mutated panda. 

076: -

077: HELLO BOY told ya we'll meet again soon hahaaaaahaha I actually took 70+ photos of just solely this guy riding the surfboard I must be insane. 

078: -

079: Mickey actually walked all the way to Minnie's den to walk her back to their resting area. I am officially envious of the relationship they have.

080: He honestly looks so adorable?!

081: Mickey and Friends. Both are fakes though.

082: Stoned Goofy and Friends.

083: -

084: I hate how they made a statue of me and my prince without actually telling me and my prince. Just kidding. 

085: -

086: Festival of The Lion King.

087: Simba! Simba! Simba! 

088: I also really liked this and I realized statues like this appeal to me a lot. 

089: -


091: The super ginormous turkey leg which tasted 8/10. 

092: -

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095: - 

096: Aftermath of the fireworks that night. 

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099: I will come back again soon, but maybe not the exact same Disneyland because my next stop is Tokyo. 

There were a total of 111 photos but I deleted some because I reckoned it was pointless uploading them. Anyway please pardon me if there are errors because I am too tired to proofread my entry.

Also, I am SUPER thankful for the unlimited date usage for the next 2 days. This is one of the (many?) reasons why I love (???????) Singapore. Therefore, I turned off my Wi-Fi and until 10/8/15 I am gna use as much data possible even if that meant a battery-dead phone. I have to exploit this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to the fullest. This is the true-blue Singaporean spirit (I am not proud of). (But it will be a waste to not take what's given to you for free.)