Saturday, December 10, 2011

#7: only voice coming back

Here's an attempt to upload pictures to this space and that's something I haven't really done before:
Welcome to the Cycling Club ♡

These girls really made my life A FREAKING WHOLE LOT more wonderful :')
Top row L-R: Jiayin (Chong), Vianne (Vn), Annessa (Neh)
Bottom row L-R: Gekkhee (Gek), Jiajing (Jing), Rhynade (Rhy)

Failed winkers but who cares!!!! ;)

Gek has the lousiest taste for nail polishes


I am THIS sure that she can take down all the other qtpies in the entire world

Neh sitting like a boss at the back while I look extremely cute loljk


One of the best pic I ever have with Neh ;)

The Blood Moon that everyone was talking about. My dad and I had some bonding done while trying to snap pictures of it and quality time makes my life complete ;)

Although she can really be damn eccentric at times and she LOVES shooting vulgarities at me... I guess that's just her

Hello everybody if you have the time please do meet this wonderful person of mine who has been through all that shit that I had been through :')

The person on the left (Qianying) is someone who will embarrass herself in front of ANYBODY and the person on the right (Charmian) is someone has a really funny laughter and her cheeks are forever red no matter what time of the day it is

The one sitting on the extreme right is Yanxuan aka Lim who is from my standpoint a Love Expert. Do consult her if you ever need help ;)

I feel very blessed to have great friends around me :')

And here's another attempt to THANK all my wonderful friends, some of whom who will actually read this:

Hello girl! Although we've met since 2009 and we got kinda close then, we sort of drifted BUT here we are again, being friends for life! I am really very glad because though at times I'm really pms (got this from Vianne btw), you're still there for me and making sure I don't do stupid things like slitting my wrist or strangling myself to death or jumping off the building hahaha thank you for all the fun joy pain and laughter you've brought to my life - no amount of money could ever buy that! You have (and will continue to be) been a rrrrreeeeaaaaally awesome friend this year, really really really please don't ever doubt that otherwise I'll kill myself.

Anyway as the year comes to an end, I hope all our wonderful memories won't end (I don't know why but as I type this I'm secretly laughing) AND I REALLY LOVE YOU A LOT SO HERE'S A VIRTUAL FLYING KISS FOR YOU: SMOOOOOOOOOOCH :*

Do you even remember being my son? Anyway hello and like what happened between my and neh, we came together, drifted, and came SUPER together again omg I am seriously wondering exactly what would have happened if I didn't meet would be so different like I would have long died in Bio class, and I would have one less camwhoring partner (not that I actually camwhore but yeah), and I definitely would have one less lovely friend who will always (assuming that you will) be there for me even if I fall off the world's longest escalator. I kinda think I owe you a lot because every time I'm down, you wouldn't fail to appear right beside me....and just sit there without speaking even a single word in case I eat you up or something BUT your presence do make a difference because at least I know someone actually cares for me (wooooohoooo a +1 to my life) and that I know I have someone to depend on if I slip on a banana skin.

No words can really describe how much I wanna thank you for spending your life with me / telling me some of your secrets and although you're closer to Vianne (and the rest SO SAD OMG -1 TO MY LIFE), I am still very glad to have a friend like you, always so caring, so loving, so camwhoring, so slow in talking (but there's an improvement) and so fun to be with SO HERE'S A VIRTUAL FLYING KISS FOR YOU: SMOOOOOOOCH :*

Hello crazy woman!!!!! We have been friends since Secondary 1 and I think that's kinda lame hahaha ok just kidding. If I were to ever thank you for all the things you've done for and/or with me, that list will be longer than the diameter of this earth, really and I'm not even kidding. Remember the times we used to waste post-it notes like as if they were toilet papers and stick it on each other's diaries so that we can remember even the smallest thing that has happened? That's one of the bajillion things you've done to make me happy and JUST sitting beside me everyday in class makes me go crazy I don't even know why. Although you can be really irritating at times but your good deeds actually outran all your misdeeds so that's a +1 for you.

Honestly, I don't know where to begin, I don't even know how to PROPERLY thank you because really you have done so much for me from accompanying me to the toilet to cheering me up when I'm down to....making me feel extraordinarily loved. In fact, you can even qualify to be in my "Who to buy X'mas gift for?" list ;) anyway, I have zero idea how to list everything down here but please always remember that I will ALWAYS AND FOREVER love you like how I love Stitch and Teletubbies and my pillow and if anything ever happens in the future, please also know that I'll be there for you, even if it means I have to make snow in Singapore (because I can just go to Snow City) and here's a virtual slap for you: PIAAAAAAAK followed by a virtual flying kiss: SMOOOOOOOCH :*

Just so you very know, we haven't taken a single couple picture before I really don't know why. Either we forgot or we just don't have the ~fate~ to do so but just so you very very know, you are the FIRST person I've ever met who has that positively strange ability that can actually change me from a sad to a happy person. I don't know how you do that but that's one thing I really love being around you. Just by looking at you dance The Boys by SNSD is enough to make my happiness level rise by a million.

Although you may be EXTREMELY annoying and paranoid at times, I really appreciate that because that kind of makes you special from the rest. You just have this thing that makes people wanna be with you (or maybe it's just me hahaha) even though you annoy the hell outta everyone. Still, you have been a really great and wonderful friend this year. No matter how much tears you've wasted on stupid things, please remember the Cycling Club (and most importantly ME) will always and for eternity be here for you to lie back on! So here's your hard-earned virtual flying kiss: SMOOOOOOCH :*

I just realized that your Twitter name is one of the easiest among all of us.

Anyway, first thing I wanna thank you for is all the post-its you've stuck on my diary because those are the little things that make up a whole big part of my memory. Frankly speaking, I used to dislike you because you were too cute to be around with (correct me if I'm wrong) but not until this year did I find out how much of a must-have is it to have you as my best friend. We may be VERY different in size but we're still cool, right? ;) at times when you triggered your pms mode (Vianne just happened), it's really scary but...I still dare not talk to you because you'll just ignore and to save myself from such embarrassment I chose to just leave you alone BUT I WAS SECRETLY HOPING THAT YOU WOULD SMILE AGAIN BECAUSE YOU LOOK BETTER AND CUTER AND NOT TO FORGET JOZOER WHEN YOU SMILE (ok this piece of info is a jsyk). We may not have a lot in common but trust me, I honestly believe water is thicker than blood so here's a virtual flying kiss for you: SMOOOOOOCH :*

It really beats me WHY IN THE WORLD DO YOU ENJOY HURLING VULGARITIES AT ME even though I did zero wrong so I'm assuming I'm your vulgarity friend. Not like that kind of friend actually exists but I guess it does in your world. Putting all these stupid things aside, I've known you for 8 years and damn that's really LONG and last I remembered, you were still a nerdy little girl who hates me for eating a major part of your food. And for that, I publicly apologize. In return, I hope to eat more of your food because your food seem to be extra delicious.

Okay I was kidding about the "eating more of your food" part. Sometimes, I really wonder where your cuteness (not to mention pms) come from because you're the second person who actually has the power to turn me from a sulky gloomy person to a sunny blooming person. Not saying that the rest can't but just not that successive as compared to Chong and this woman. 8 years of partly-close friendship is nothing to be messed with and there's really a lot I have to thank you for (#1 being your food back when I was 8 years old) and that list would end up going over the edge of the universe and I know the universe is ∞ which means the list will NEVER EVER come to a stop. A toast to our vulgarish love for each other, here's a virtual flying kiss for you: SMOOOOOOCH :*

PS: Posts have been written in ALPHABETICAL order in case you didn't realize and the length of each post has NOTHING to do with the amount of love I have for you and each smooch obviously doesn't represent the amount of time I'd like to kiss you.